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Name: Judith
Real Name: Wong Chu Ting
Other Name : Yuki
Webname: Vanilla Candy
Age: Sweet 17
Birth date: February 6,1993
height: 155 cm
hair color: Black
eye color: Black
Skin color: Fair
blood type: AB
Location: Pahang,Malaysia


♥ Get Straight A+ In SPM
♥ Friends and Family Happy Always
♥ New I-phone
♥ A big Bear


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Cute Chick
Elaine Ying
Wei Xin
Jian Pei
Xiu Li



January 2010
February 2010


Designer: Helena
Image: Cyworld
Basecodes: Milkypoop
Cursors: Puremilky

Thursday, February 4, 2010 4:18 PM

Toothache (Maxillary Sinus Pain)
Recently I was having a flu
and before I could relieve that it is finally almost recover
Now I'm suffering for toothache~
Its kinda strange because no tooth decay can be seen from the view....
I worried for 2 days and at last I went to consult a dentist today....
and guess what?
It's not toothache!! It's actually the sinus pain that comes with my flu...@@
The sinuses are large, empty spaces located behind the eyes and nose and above the eyes. Sinuses prevent foreign particles from making their way into the body. Many people experience pain from irritated or swollen sinuses. Much of the pain is from swollen membranes that cause pressure to build up and press on various organs in the head. The pressure can build, intensifying pain throughout the body. Eye, neck pain and tooth pain are common results of sinus pressure.
So, now I knew that my flu had caused this stupid sinus pain on me~~~
I guess that a pressure had built up in my maxillary sinuses due to an infection or inflammation caused by the flu which resulted in an intense pain in my maxillary region~
With sinus toothache, the fluid pressure in the maxillary sinuses causes the upper back teeth to ache. This feeling is referred to by dentists as sinus toothache which is what I am experiencing now~ @@
I never expected that this is actually the sinus toothache and it is so stupid of me
For not realizing it. In fact, I had been worried for 2 days that I might need to have my tooth being extracted~~
How dumb I was~ haha....
Now, all I need to do is to finish the medicine ....By the time my medicine is finished, I guess my sinus pain would be gone! ^^

Sunday, January 31, 2010 3:07 PM

Pups =P
Sister,Donnie,Chekie and Me
(Ain't a nice pic but I still love it anyway)

Ain't them cute?? I knew they're not like those toy poodles or pomeranians....
But still they are so adorable!!!!
and they are so obedient~=)
can u imagine they are actually twins??? doesn't seem to be right??
because the 1 that I'm hugging is so..... big compared to the other 1~
but its true they are twins~~~
hahaha, I wonder..... how chekie eat till so big^^
but it's still cute.....
My sister is hugging Donnie~~~^^
envy...... Donnie is much more lighter~~~ Chekie is heavy...
Ahhhh... I want pups.... I crave for pups!!!
Mummy Daddy please allow me to have 1... please?

Sunday, January 17, 2010 11:00 PM

3D Avatar

A story about the greediness of human beings who intend to get anything they want without bothering the benefit of the other creatures,disobeying the rules of nature for the sake of wealth and richness... Its also a story about how the bonds in the nature being built in a way which is stronger than anything else in existance.....
Indeed, Its a movie that shouldn't be missed, Great applause to James Cameron~
Directed By James Cameron
Story Plot:

In the future, Jake, a paraplegic war veteran, is brought to another planet, Pandora, which is inhabited by the Na'vi, a humanoid race with their own language and culture. Those from Earth find themselves at odds with each other and the local culture. When his brother is killed in battle, paraplegic Marine Jake Sully decides to take his place in a mission on the distant world of Pandora. There he learns of greedy corporate figurehead Parker Selfridge's intentions of driving off the native humanoid "Na'vi" in order to mine for the precious material scattered throughout their rich woodland. In exchange for the spinal surgery that will fix his legs, Jake gathers intel for the cooperating military unit spearheaded by gung-ho Colonel Quaritch, while simultaneously attempting to infiltrate the Na'vi people with the use of an "avatar" identity. While Jake begins to bond with the native tribe and quickly falls in love with the beautiful alien Neytiri, the restless Colonel moves forward with his ruthless extermination tactics, forcing the soldier to take a stand - and fight back in an epic battle for the fate of Pandora.

Actually, I didn't plan to watch Avatar by today
Its just because that My parents sent my sister to east coast mall to hang out with her friends,
It suddenly came across my mind the intention to watch it...
So I dragged my parents to the cinema upstairs and luckily my parents are interested with the movie too...
So we bought 3 tickets for Avatar at 3.45pm.....
Here's quite a funny incidence which happened when we enter the cinema....
We got into the wrong hall just because My dad mistakened the G03 seat as Hall 3
Its so funny as we enter the hall3 and the movie (I don't know which movie is that) still half showing ~~Hahaha....
Well, Luckily we got in quite early....
So as we found out Avatar is in the hall 7, its still quite early ...=P
3D movie required us to wear a kind of 3D spectacles..
Unfortunately, due to my eyes sickness.... I'm not allowed to wear lenses till its cured....
So... just imagine to wear double spectacles for about 2 hours and 45 minutes....
Ain't that a 'great' experience?? I spent the whole 2 hours and 45 minutes supporting the 3D spectacles with my hand so that it won't slide off my nose.....
But it's still worth it, because the movie is really great!! =D
Its a great 3D movie , you definitely wouldn't want to miss it!
And I'm glad that I watched it today =D

Friday, January 15, 2010 5:40 PM

Birthday Celebrations·Sisters

I Had A big surprise today
I am really very happy and I appreciated it,
I am lucky to have you all as sisters,
And lastly, Happy Birthday Yen!!!

Friendship Forever
or should I say
Sisters Forever!! =)

Yesterday Is the first time
I ever baked a cake with suek yen, xin, bei and Elaine..
(p/s: Actually I was just helping =P)
But It sure is a very memorable experience~
I enjoyed the whole process....
We baked 2 cakes, 1 chocolate 1 butter....
And here's the surprise for me today...
I actually thought that we're gonna bake 2 cakes to celebrate Yen's Birthday....
I had this thought in my mind for the whole morning untill they opened the cake
that had been decorated by Elaine and suek yen
(p/s: Both decoratings are very nice!!)
today during recess time
SURPRISE!! I never thought that actually 1 of the cakes is for me and bei!!!
I'm so happy and touched!!
No wonder Xin won't allow me to see the decorated cake today,Hahaha....
I actually thought that the plan of having my sisters celebrate my birthday with me
will not come true since our monthly test starts the day before my birthday....
but now.... I really very happy !!!!
We sang the Birthday Song, Blow the candle and start to eat the cake^^
The cakes are mouth watering~ I love it =)
And I felt so lucky to have them as my sisters!!!
I love them all!!! Totally and seriously!!!!!
As For Yen, I think that she had a very happy day too ^^
Luckily she likes the presents from all of us~
hehe, Happy Birthday Yen!!!
Hope you had a memorable day today! =D
Seriously, I am very happy to see that everyone of us having a very happy day today!
The whole class is filled with excitement and warmth =)
Today surely is a memorable day and I will remember it for my whole life!!
Thanks to you all, My dear Elaine, Xin, Bei, Yen, Suek Yen and Yin Lee!!!!
Thanks for being my sisters, I love you all!!!!!Muackxx =P
And also Thanks to Shi Teng, Hui Ching and my dear German Friend Leonie Nickelski^^
edited by Suek Yen (ps: I really love this pic very very much!!)



Lastly, once more, Happy Birthday Yen!!!! =D

Photos will be uploaded later after I get them from Suek Yen and Xin =D <=== uploaded on 21/01/10

Monday, January 11, 2010 8:22 PM

Birthdays·Starbucks Coffee

Bought many presents for my sisters,My birthday is coming too,
Can't deny that I really having high expectations and wishes...
Just be honest to myself, Hope I won't be disappointed,
Happy Birthdays!!!! =)

Actually this post supposed to be on yesterday but I was too tired to finish it last night,so.... ^^

Today I went shopping for presents with Elaine,
We chose slowly, comparing the prices, discussing the items
and guessing whether our sisters would like it....
I seems very enthusiastic about the coming birthdays....
Wondering...... =)

The mall is a kaleidoscope of colours and sounds...
A lot of merchandises on the shelves for us to choose...
We had a hard time choosing but at last we managed to get all of them!!
Now, our job just left the sending part!!! =D

Everyone's birthday is coming, of course that included me...
All of us are marching towards our 17th year on Earth ^^
I'm getting nervous and excited day by day....
but in the mean time....
The exams, the stress, SPM... everything...
I need luck, I need the effort, I need ....

Other than the presents, I bought myself a comb and a pair of rings too^^
Actually we came across an idea to buy every sisters a same handphone strap
but we call off the plan since we don't know whether everyone would love it...
As for the rings, actually 1 of the ring, I planned to give to one person,
But.....ahhhh...Forget it^^ By the way, the rings are nice so...
I will just keep them for myself la! =D Sorry to somebody ....=P

<==The rings when separated into two

The rings when combined==>

The St.John Training started around 3o'clock,
we trained the marching in front of Methodist School..
Its really hot and I'm parched... Wish I brought mybottle with me...=)
At last, the training ended around 5.00pm
As we're waiting for my parents to pick us up, we have a drink in Starbucks Coffee...
This is the first time I ever walked in ... =P
The Hot chocolate is so nice!!!!! I really love it!!! =D

My Hot Chocolate!!!!==>

My Chicken Floss Egg Roll^^==>

<==Elaine's Tempura

<== Our Food^^

Actually want to take picture of Elaine, But she insisted no, So....
Just Me!!! =D

Such A fun and tiring day, but I can't rest yet since My homeworks are still not ready to be passed up...^^

Saturday, January 9, 2010 11:59 PM

Small incidence
Well, No need to say what happened
Just see the picture =)

Yes, Just as shown in the picture, the tyre of the car is having a serious leakage,
It happened just now enroute home from my add maths tuition.
The 3 hours Add maths tuition is absolutely tiring and I just keep on yawning...
Fortunately, I still able to focus during the tuition =)
Elaine noticed the leakage before she got up on the car,
but her mom didn't notice it at all as the leakage seems to take place some time ago before the tyre became like this....and maybe, I guess....If Elaine didn't tell her mom about the leakage,perhaps we would straight away being driven home in that car
By chance, we might reached home safely (If only fortunate)
or else, maybe just stranded somewhere on the way =P
hahaha, luckily today is Saturday =)
Tomorrow's St.John Training session has been resheduled to 2.30pm and the venue changed to Methodist Girls School , but I'm going shopping for my sisters' presents with Elaine before attending the training, So I would be out at 10.30 am ...
Good Night ! =D

10:21 AM

St.John Ambulance (Senior Traning Session)
Another reminder for me as a senior...

I went for the St.John senior training session today...
As a senior of the st.john ambulance,
I seems like not familiar with any of the practical and theory..
Its such a shame...
But at least I still have some rough idea about what is it and how to perform it
which I can consider as 'luckily'?=)
In about 3 weeks time, the juniors are going to sit for the exam ...
So we as seniors have the responsibility to teach them what they should know...
I really should practice more on bandaging
so I won't hesitate to teach the juniors next week
And tomorrow morning, Its the state competition training session
Its actually held specially for the participants,
but some of the seniors are attending too including me
Although I didn't take part in the competition,
I would learn some new things at least
Besides Its really a golden opportunity since we rarely have an expert to come and teach us, so I guess I won't be wasting my time going rather than just sleep off the whole morning at home =D

Such a busy senior year ,
But Strangely... I started to enjoy it....Weird =)